Kasa Camera Flash Green Light

Kasa Camera Flash Green Light and Won’t Connect. Fix Here!

The Kasa camera flash green light is a common issue experienced by several users. This issue arises when the camera is unable to connect to the WiFi network. So, when you are facing such issues with your Kasa camera, you must fix them as soon as possible. The Kasa security camera is among the top security cameras of all time.

This camera offers a variety of features that enhance the camera’s functionality. With the help of this camera, you can ensure complete security of your family and loved ones. To make the most of the Kasa camera, you must set it up correctly from the Kasa app. From the app, you can connect the camera to the WiFi accurately.

If you are facing the Kasa camera green light issue, we are here for you. We have designed this post to help users with the Kasa camera won’t connect to WiFi issues. This post will guide users to fix the problems with their Kasa camera. We will explain the reasons for the issue along with the troubleshooting methods.

Why does My Kasa Camera Flash Green Light?

The Kasa camera green light indicates the camera is unable to connect to the WiFi. Due to several reasons, the camera can have trouble connecting to the WiFi. Some common causes for the Kasa camera not connecting to WiFi are as follows:

These are some factors responsible for the Kasa camera green light issue. Further, we will cover the troubleshooting methods for the issue.

Troubleshooting Kasa Camera Won’t Connect to WiFi

Once you are aware of the reasons responsible for the camera showing the green light, you can fix it easily. There are several methods you can use to fix the issues within the camera. Some useful fixing techniques are as follows:

Examine the Source of Power

  • You need to ensure that the camera has a stable power source.
  • Before you set up the camera, ensure to plug it into a proper power supply.
  • Otherwise, the camera will not operate to the best of its ability.
  • Ensure to keep the camera plugged in 24/7 for optimal functioning.
  • This should fix the Kasa camera flash green light issue.

Troubleshoot the WiFi Device

  • If you feel like there’s no issue with the camera, then you must check the router.
  • Due to issues within the router, you can face the Kasa camera green light issue.
  • You must fix your router before you connect the camera to the WiFi network.
  • To fix the router, you can try power cycling, updating the firmware, or resetting it.
  • This should fix the Kasa camera won’t connect to the WiFi problem.

Bring the Camera and Router Closer

  • The distance between the router and the camera can also cause issues.
  • If the camera and the router are too far, they will have trouble connecting.
  • Therefore, ensure to install the camera inside the router’s range.
  • You can also move the router closer to the camera for a seamless connection.
  • This should fix the Kasa camera’s WiFi issue.

Power Cycle the Camera

  • You can also try power cycling the camera to fix the issues.
  • The power cycle will eliminate all glitches and bugs within the camera.
  • To power cycle the camera, power it off and unplug it from the outlet.
  • Wait for some time and power the camera back on.
  • Now, the Kasa camera flash green light issue should be gone.

Use the Correct WiFi Password

  • While connecting the camera to the WiFi, you must use the correct password.
  • If you use the incorrect WiFi password, you cannot form a connection.
  • Therefore, ensure to use the correct WiFi password to connect properly.
  • If you have recently changed the WiFi password, the camera will disconnect,
  • You need to reconnect the camera to the WiFi using the new password.
  • The Kasa camera green light issue should be gone.

Factory Reset the Kasa Camera

  • If none of these methods work, you must reset the camera.
  • The reset will fix all major issues within the camera.
  • To reset the camera, locate the reset button on the camera.
  • Now, press the reset button and hold it.
  • You can release the reset button after 15 seconds.
  • The reset is successful and all factory default settings are back.

These are some effective methods you can use to fix the Kasa camera flash green light issue. Now, the issue with the camera should be gone. Once the issue with the camera is gone, you can start using the camera accordingly. The camera should be working well now. If there’s any other issue you face, you can reach out to our team right now.