KASA Camera Not Connecting To WiFi

Kasa Camera Not Connecting To WiFi. Fix Here!

The Kasa camera not connecting to WiFi is common among users. The chances of you facing this problem are high. But you don’t have to worry, as this isn’t a huge topic of concern. You can simply troubleshoot this issue, as most times, there’s nothing wrong with the camera. The issue is from our end only, making it fixable. It’s crucial to connect the camera to the internet, as the camera cannot function without the internet connection. Therefore, you must fix the Kasa camera not connecting to WiFi.

If you are going through the same problem, we’ve got you. Today, we’ll talk about the Kasa camera not working. Further, we will discuss the methods you can use to resolve this issue. To find out more, keep reading ahead!

How To Connect Kasa Camera To WiFi?

Before we discuss the ways to resolve the Kasa camera not working issue, let’s figure out how to connect Kasa camera to WiFi. The steps are as follows:

  • Primarily, install the Kasa app on your mobile phone.
  • Now, open the app and log in using your login credentials.
  • After that, tap on (+) to add your device and select the camera from the list.
  • Hereon, follow the instructions given by the app.
  • Afterward, connect your device to the router’s network.
  • Now, the app should automatically connect to the network.
  • However, you can manually connect your device to the camera’s network.
  • After that, select the WiFi network and enter the correct WiFi password to connect the camera.
  • Finally, the camera will connect to the router’s network.

We hope you have understood how to connect Kasa camera to WiFi. If you are unable to connect your camera to the WiFi, proceed further.

How To Fix Kasa Camera Not Connecting To WiFi?

There could be several reasons for the Kasa camera not connecting to WiFi. To resolve this matter, you can try the following troubleshooting methods:

Check The Power Outlet

  • You must plug the camera into a sufficient power source at all times.
  • Without sufficient power, you will face the Kasa camera not working.
  • Check the current source of the power of the camera, and ensure it’s working fine.
  • Try plugging the camera into another working outlet.

Power Cycle The Router and The Camera

  • If there’s any internal problem with the router or the camera, you can power cycle it.
  • The power cycle fixes any small issue within the device.
  • To begin with, cut the power supply of the device, and unplug it.
  • Now, give them some time to shut down properly.
  • After some time, you can plug the back in.
  • This should resolve any issue within the router or the camera.
  • Now, try reconnecting the camera to the WiFi.

Incorrect WiFi Password

  • If you are using the wrong password while connecting the camera to the WiFi, the connection will fail.
  • Ensure to use the correct password to connect the camera to the WiFi successfully.
  • Another reason could be, you have recently set a different WiFi password.
  • If this is the case, you will need to reconnect the camera to the WiFi with the latest password.

Move The Router Closer To The Camera

  • The connection failed due to the relocation of the camera or the router.
  • If this is the case, you will need to move the router closer to the camera.
  • The camera needs to be inside the router’s range for a seamless connection.
  • After relocating the camera closer to the router, you can try again with the connection.

Carefully follow these methods to fix the Kasa camera not working issue. If there are any other troubles you are having with your Kasa camera, get in touch with our team right now for a solution.